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147 Foundational Studies

Authority: Approved by the Board of Trustees

The Foundational Studies Program is the single undergraduate program completed by every undergraduate student in some form, with courses spanning all academic colleges, with requirements to meet the Indiana College Core and facilitate transfer credits, as well as assessment obligations for the Higher Learning Commission. The program is administered through the Office of Foundational Studies by the Foundational Studies Council.

Last Updated: July 28, 2023
Last Reviewed: July 28, 2023
147.1 Office of Foundational Studies

The Office of Foundational Studies (OFS) will house the Coordinator of the Foundational Studies Program and the Foundational Studies Council. The OFS will be the administrative office that carries out the administrative tasks and responsibilities required by the Foundational Studies Council (FSC) for managing the Foundational Studies Program (FS Program) at Indiana State University.

  • 147.1.1 Coordinator of Foundational Studies
    • Appointment. The Coordinator shall be appointed by the Provost, following a campus-wide search and consultation with the FSC. The appointment will be for 3 years with the possibility of continuation.
    • Qualifications. The Coordinator must be a member of the Foundational Studies faculty, having taught or teaching at least one course per year in the FS Program., as prescribed by 147.2.1.
    • Duties. The Coordinator shall be responsible for the following administrative duties in support of the FS Program. Chair the FSC (see Procedures for duties of the chair of FSC), oversee the transfer of credit to the FS Program, ensure the integrity and the delivery of the academic program, support faculty who teach in the FS Program, ensure the Assessment Plan of the FS Program is carried out, facilitate communication to the University from the OFS about the FS Program.
  • 147.1.2 Ex-Officio Representation of the Council. The Coordinator will represent the FS Program and FSC at the following committees. Faculty Senate, CAAC, Provost’s Advisory Committee, and other committees as deemed necessary by Academic Affairs to the effectiveness of the FSC.
147.2 Foundational Studies Council

The Foundational Studies Council (FSC) has oversight of curriculum and assessment in the Foundational Studies Program and in matters related to the teaching of the Foundational Studies Program curriculum.

  • 147.2.1 Membership. All regular faculty at Indiana State University who teach at least one Foundational Studies course annually, or who are charged with oversight of Foundational Studies courses, shall constitute the faculty of the FS Program and are eligible to be nominated to serve on the Council. Two undergraduate students appointed by the Student Government Association will also be members.
  • 147.2.2 Voting Members. The FSC will be constituted by one regular faculty member who has taught or supervised at least one course in the category in the past year, elected to represent each of the curricular categories that comprise the FS Program from the FS Program faculty and as many elected faculty members at-large needed to ensure that each of the academic colleges and the library is represented on the FSC by a voting member. In addition, the Student Government Association will appoint two undergraduate students who will serve as voting members of the FSC. The Coordinator of Foundational Studies shall serve as the Chair of the FSC and will be a voting member of the FSC.
  • 147.2.3 Ex Officio Members. The Dean (or designee) of each of the academic colleges, the FSC liaison to Academic Affairs, the person charged with oversight of university academic advising, the Director of the Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence, the Chair of Faculty Senate (or designee), and the Registrar (or designee) shall serve as ex officio members of the Council.
  • 147.2.4 Nomination and Election. The Executive Committee of the FSC will conduct elections annually in accordance with the terms stipulated in the procedures of the FSC.
  • 147.2.5 Terms. Voting members of the FSC (with the exception of the Coordinator of FS, the at-large members, and the student members) will serve 2-year terms. At-large and student members serve 1-year terms (as described in the Procedures).
  • 147.2.6 Leadership and Oversight. An Executive Committee composed of the Foundational Studies Coordinator as chair, a vice-chairperson, a secretary, and two additional members elected from the voting members of the Council will direct and facilitate the work of the FSC.
  • 147.2.7 Reporting. The FSC reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and will provide an annual report to the Provost by June 30th of each year detailing its meetings, attendance of members, and matters acted upon or considered during the year. The FSC will also provide an Assessment Report annually to the Provost and the University Assessment Council.
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